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Predator Kite Review

Hello we are new owners at 35 Degrees South Aquarium, Restaurant and Bar in the Bay of Islands. ( Seagulls have for many years caused great frustration by living on the restaurant roof. When they have their young chicks they spend the day resting there while Mums away sourcing food. As you can appreciate it leaves an unsightly mess.

Last year we added on a substantial deck area beside the restaurant called Alongside, ( where we have Alfresco dining, our gulls thought our outdoor dining area a perfect space to bring their offspring in for a snack. At the time the deck was built, a parking area in front of the restaurant was removed and made into a public park. The seagulls must have thought all their Christmases had come at once, a perfect spot for the seagull’s, to drop in for a free feed. We had a dirty roof and scavengers awaiting our diners to move and some even swooping while customers were still eating.

On average we would have about 40 gulls on the roof awaiting the signs of ‘Dinners served’ and whenever visitors sat in the park with food they would be quickly zoomed upon. This would often mean another 40 gulls in the park! Finally we decided to look at what we could do for bird control and came upon your company Pestgard.

Now we were sceptical when this package arrived and more so when we put the ‘paper‘ kite together. Johnny our able birdman climbed out the window and stood on the lower roof the video demonstrates what happened next. We didn’t even have the bird up on the flag pole but as soon as it took flight in the wind the reaction was amazing. Every bird in the park and on the roof took flight. They circled the kite for about 10 minutes while it was placed on the upper roof, there was a huge amount of outcries to one another and then they disappeared, not to return. Those that did keep a very respectable distance on the other side of the area and we haven’t had another seagull on our roof since. We are delighted with the results, so simple and cost effective.

We highly recommend this product to anyone with a seagull problem such as we have experienced.

We have a beautiful clean roof and our diners and our staff don’t have to worry about seagulls anymore!

Kind regards
Gayle McMaster and Johnny Cash

Video of the kite when it first went up: