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High success rates with live traps

High success rates with live traps

Customers are reporting high success rates with live capture traps, with some reporting capture rates at least 10 times greater than kill traps and other trapping methods.

Grant Ryan, from The Cacophony Project, conducted a trial over a 4 week period, involving a Pestgard Tunnel - live capture trap, other trapping methods and a camera to record animal presence. Data recorded shows a possum capture rate 10 - 20 times greater than the other trapping methods. See what Grant has to say in the video below.


John Bissell from Backblocks Environmental Management, likes a multi-method approach to predator control. He lives by a simple question, which is never just “are we catching?", it’s always “can we catch more or catch them all?” John finds the Pestgard Medium live capture cage trap, essential in the control of ferrets and feral cats. John has used these traps to capture many ferrets and other predators in the Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre, helping to protect kiwi and other native wildlife.

With DOC predicting a mega-mast and predator population explosion in 2019, live trapping of predators is a way many people can help to safely and effectively reduce predator numbers.

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